Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On to IOWA

Just as I get all the gifts from Christmas put away and the house returns to normal from its chaotic state...
on to Iowa.
What a joy filled weekend to spend with my brother and sister-in-law and their two boys. 
Gramma and Grampa were there too. We were all able to stay at their house and have a relaxing family weekend. Thanks, guys.
Here's Blake, he's 6 months old. Nice new teether, Blake!

There's our Lillian Mae.

Future slugger! Go Twins! All the kids got Twins gear. 

Lillian will look forward to wearing this cute spring hat! How adorable! And it's one where the flower comes off with a clip so she'll be wearing this one all her life.

Maren's showing Blake her new lap top computer! It comes in pink! How appropriate.

Maren enjoying Dustin's train table. She always goes the opposite direction of Dustin though. Then they get to the point where the run into each other and the screaming commences.

Maren thought Spook was silky. She loves silky. Apparently she also thought he was a pillow.

Cool new balls for Blake.

Thank yous!

Can you see that they're related! Perfect skin, blue eyes, button noses - too cute!

Check out those leg rolls. His thighs are massive! And the belly! What a well fed, growing boy. 
Atta boy, Blake. 

Well, hello there. Blake is getting good at the sitting up especially when the view is this nice. They sat and looked at each other for a long time. Lillian took a couple of swats at Blake but they just made goo goo noises at each other. 

I hardly ever look in on Lillian when she's sleeping. We've got a creaky old house and she's got a loud big sister but I snuck down to check on her after a long weekend and it was so fun to see her sleeping.

I told you it was a long weekend. Maren is trying out her new travel pillow that Aunt Darcie made the pillow case for. The we piled in the cars and headed home to MN and WI. 
Can't wait to see the Iowa White's again SOON!

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