Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A new chapter

My daughter will be three and a half this week. Three and a half and this is her first day of day care. Boy, I am so lucky to be able to say that. She's been babysat and taken care of by family before by never day care. And Lillian she's 15 months old and she has the same story. I am very lucky to be able to say that. I am lucky that I was the one to mold their young minds in the safety and security of our home for so long. 

Now, a new chapter.

Here's their first-day-of-day-care breakfast.
Maren called them snakes. 

I found a gal, Kelly, in St Paul just south of downtown that has an in-home day care. She is a licensed Pre-primary educator with her Masters degree. She is super laid back and I felt at ease after one visit. She has two boys of her own both about 6 months behind my girls. She doesn't mind that I don't know my schedule for the week until sunday evening, and get this, she's even cool with Lilly's cloth diapers! I know! Awesome! She's real reasonable and is only charging me 50 cents more an hour than I make. So tips is still all extra. I had no anxiety leading up to this day. Thank you, God.

Drop off:
Binky and Blanket go with, of course.

Lilly's dressed to the nines with her beads. She is always wearing beads.

It took them all of 3 seconds to hop on the bikes and ride off. I stayed a few minutes but wasn't noticed so off I went!

It felt a little odd leaving them behind but before you know it I was back to pick them up and Kelly said they had a great day. They were there for just over 4 hours and I didn't worry about them for a minute. What a great find! This week they went swimming in the kiddie pool out back and they painted and did   sidewalk chalk. Thanks, Kelly! 

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