Monday, April 9, 2012

My Girls

Yes, I am making up for lost time. There are a few posts from today. I finally had a few days off in a row- feels good. I put in a ton of hours at work in the last three weeks and I am happy to be catching up on some things around home. So please forgive my multi-post day after a long no-post break.

Here they are again, playing nicely together. They got these cool glitter crayons (which I have realized are not the handy washable kind) which they love to use. 

Shortly after this picture they just started coloring on the couch...
Good thing it's covered in a slip cover and neither the couch or the slip cover are in great shape. 
I just love how well they play together (knock on wood). They really share well and take turns, both of them (maybe we don't need another horse after all).

A favorite game

My girls LOVE LOVE LOVE to play sleepover.
Maren likes to make beds and everyone gets a pillow.
She also likes to sleep next to Geena.
Today she made a bed for her and Lilly under the table because that's where Geena likes to sleep.
Seeing my girls happily playing together is priceless.

Riding Dawn

Gramma's house is always colder so I grabbed the mittens on the way out of the house.

Maren's turn first

That made someone really happy

Days like this we really do need another horse ;)
(Love you, Gramma!)

Finally, Lilly gets a turn. Maren wasn't ready to get off so they rode together

Days like this at Gramma's house are just awesome.

Dawn was happy to be done. She always takes a good roll after a ride.

Happy Birthday, Maren

My oldest is now four years old. Four! I can't believe it. She does act fourteen sometimes so it is a nice reminder that she is really only four. We did pizza and cake here at our place. I took the night off work and we invited a ton of family. We had a great turn out and Maren loved it! I let her stay up late and play with friends. She hauled in a ton of gifts and couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone who helped make this day special for her! HUGS

From the vault

I finally managed to download videos from the last few months and here are a few short clips to summarize my favorites. Maren would sing made up songs for the camera all day long if you'd let her.

As you can see Lillian is following in her footsteps.