Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Love Story

"Love Story" by Taylor Swift happens to be the favorite song of my two girls. Lilly now knows the whole last verse. I tried to capture her singing it the other day while while Maren was napping because Maren is a camera hog.

Apparently Maren woke up before we got to the end of the verse.


Maren got new (used) cowboy boots. They're cool golden colored ones. Lilly has grown fond of them as well. She put them on and declared in her most serious voice, "I cowboy!" 
Notice she put on Maren's under ware too.

This is what I got when I said, "Lilly, show me your boots."


Thursday, March 8, 2012

End of February

Turns out February 21st was a picture worthy day. Check out all of the excitement:
 My Little Pony Parade
-all animals invited-
Maren's pretty proud of her creation.

 I brought our slide inside since it's one of Lilly's favorite activities of late. I didn't think it would work bare bottomed but she slides down just fine.

Yesterday was President's Day which means- sales. I stock up on clothes for the kids in their sizes and up if I can find a good deal. I mostly buy for Maren because she is growing so fast. She is so tall she's about out of her 4T clothes before she turns 4. The girls picked through my findings. Maren picks out her own outfits. She's a big fan of leggings, tights, and skirts. 

Lilly decided to try on some size 6 summer clothes, I remember this stage now. She wants to dress herself and gets frustrated easily.

After nap it was outside to play. We had some nice wet snow and I thought we'd make a snowman. I of course was the one interested in the building. Lilly just wanted to knock it over. Maren wanted to make it a dress out of leaves.

She worked hard on the dress, like it?!

We all ate carrots. Maren is convinced the snowman's will be eaten by a deer. She may be right.

Lilly was getting cold and Maren got very into building a "hermie hut" under the pine tree with sticks. I brought Lilly in and Maren played contently under there for a long time. It's so nice to see her get involved with something that she enjoys.

Chuck E Cheese's

I got a bee in my bonnet to take the kids to Chuck E Cheese's for a night of pizza and games. Matt was up for it so off we went. It was really busy when we arrived. After pizza and a few games I was ready to leave. I couldn't keep up with Miss Lilly. Matt switched with me and Maren was more manageable for me (hauling the diaper bag and camera). It's a good thing too. Things slowed down a bit and we had a really great time!

(I think she is blowing kisses)

yay, whack-a-mole! (shark)

They each chose a prize with some of the tickets we accumulated (216). 
It's a good thing you can pay cash for the difference because Maren wanted cotton candy so badly and it was 250 points. 

Lilly picked out a stretchy purple lizard, she's quite pleased.

I'd do this again in a heartbeat! It was so fun.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Potty Training

Oh yeah, that's the point we're at right now.

By doing cloth diapers mom gets sick of the whole diaper thing maybe quicker than those convenient disposable diapers.

So we had a discussion in ECFE about the window being 20-24 months for starting potty training. Okay! We're there. Let's go.
It didn't start well and I kept saying, "Maren was so much easier."
We had to bribe Lilly with candy. 

After two weeks I am HAPPY to report that Lilly is doing amazing and no candy bribes are needed. 
We even took a trip to Sam's Club today and Lilly was dry all morning and even went in the strange big potty at the store! Yay, Lilly!


I HAD a drawer of stickers in my office. I kept the drawers closed and a yard stick down the handles. The yard stick got broken. The stickers became way too easily accessible. Lilly loves stickers. The rule became, "only on paper." 

The stickers have a new home, out of arms reach of Miss Lilly.