I love that these are the days of my life. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's way too much work, but what a joy to be home with my girls. While Lillian finished her afternoon nap Maren and I hit the kitchen for cookie baking. Just baking - I totally bought the dough. She enjoyed cutting shapes and rolling worms which sound like snakes.

Yes, she ate most of the dough.
She anticipates the flash and always closes her eyes.
This is what I got when I told her to keep her eyes open:
not exactly what I was hoping for.
Once Lilly got up and we had our snack we went to play in the basement.
Maren went to the dress up bin. This costume use to me mine when I was little.
Great Uncle Mike and Great Aunt Deb had it for their kids.
I believe my mom made it.
Maren enjoys sharing with Lilly.